The E Collar That Works.
In the dog-training world we often say and then repeat the E-Collar Motto.
“Remember that an E Collar has but one purpose and that is to reinforce at a DISTANCE what the dog ALREADY KNOWS!”
If you are using it to train your dog YOU are using it improperly. The dog must know how to solve the “PROBLEM” before you use the E-Collar.
If they made me “King of the World” one of my first acts would be to require a permit to use an E-Collar,LOL
Often misused
All to often I hear of peoples experience with this device. Usually it is NOT for the benifit of the dog! They are trying to take short cuts and FORCE the dog into shape. Or they shock him for not doing and then shock him for doing. Example not doing,”he didn’t come when I called him” ZAPPP
Doing example, now he IS “BARKING” ZAPPPP
Man, he isnt getting better so I better turn it up, ZAPPPP
Well my hope is that the handler gets ZAPPPED repeatedly and for no good reason. OK that may be a bit harsh. However I feel passionatly about the MISUSE of dogs. This is what happens all to often when the Ecollar becomes a
“TOOL for a FOOL”
Don’t be one of the above. Get an experienced trainer that knows what they are doing to guide you through the training of your dog.
Repeat the E-Collar Motto
“Remember that an E Collar has but one purpose and that is to reinforce at a DISTANCE what the dog ALREADY KNOWS!”
Please leave your comments on this “shocking” subject below! If you are for or against the Ecollars use or mis-use, chime in and speak your piece.
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Don’t know anything about the Ecollar’s. Before I get one, should I get someone to show the right way to use the collar.
I don’t want to hurt my dog, but I also don’t want him to hurt someone else.
You should absolutley seek a Professionals guidance in this matter.
“Remember that an E Collar has but one purpose and that is to reinforce at a DISTANCE what the dog ALREADY KNOWS!” You DO NOT train with an Ecollar
Thanks, for the information. I will be in touch, I will want to do this right.
Well I have never even heard of an E collar before reading this article and I know I don’t want one. If anyone were to use that type of device on any animal within my reach I would remove device and put it on the owner and see how they like it. I think I am actually disgusted that this type of device exists.
Rant over and I guess it will have some uses. Just not in my world.
Finally: Someone that sticks up for the dog! Like I said in my post recommendation, if they made me king I would require a permit to get/use an “E-collar” One of the requirements of getting your permit would be to put it on and feel what the dog feels. I live by the motto If you are unwilling to do it to your-self DON’T do it to a dog. If you live by that, you can’t go too wrong. I see that you are from the UK, I am not sure if they are legal there? But here in The U.S. we have many, many company’s manufacturing and selling them. If you go to a big PET store they will be selling them! Many are poorly made and not a bit for the betterment of the dog. Sense they do exist “almost everywhere” I try to teach their proper use. There are some cases where it can be used effectively, humanely and is the lesser of two evils. Well enough of my rant
If you have feelings on this subject…. comment and I will connect with you.
I’m interested in training my dog not to jump on people. Is there a good training method? How may I contact you for a class?
I just finished a post on jumping on people click the link to the left and you will be there. To contact me click here and I will be glad to make arrangements for you.